Vodacom PUK Number SMS

Vodacom PUK Number SMS

What is the Vodacom PUK number SMS? You are here because you are trying to find your Vodacom PUK number. PUK stands for Personal Unblocking Key. If you SIM is already locked, then knowing where to send the SMS to retrieve your Vodacom PUK is not going to work. You are going to have to use an alternative method to get your PUK. The SMS method works if you still have access to phone. You will probably be trying to get the PUK so you can use it should your SIM get locked in the future.

Where do I sent the SMS to get my Vodacom PUK number?

The Vodacom PUK number SMS is send to 31050. Send the message VPP and you will receive a response with your SIM’s PUK number. Again, this can only work from the number for which you are looking to find the PUK.

What if my SIM is already locked?

If your Vodacom SIM has already been locked, it becomes impossible to retrieve your PUK using the Vodacom PUK number SMS. In most instances, people get here when their SIMs have already been locked. So, what do you do in that case? Fortunately, you have the following options as far as getting your Vodacom PUK number is concerned;

  1. If your Vodacom SIM is already locked, you can retrieve the PUK through My Vodacom. Once you have logged in, go to Manage my profile and then Price plan and phone. That’s where you will see your SIM’s PUK.
  2. You can also get your PUK by dialing 082 135. This number is free if you are calling from another Vodacom number. Follow the prompts to get help.

You may also be interested in the Vodacom PUK number USSD

Always keep your Vodacom PUK number written somewhere

In most instances, people start looking for the Vodacom PUK number SMS when they have already been locked out of their phones. That’s not the wisest thing to do.

It’s way better to write down your PUK when everything is still fine. Later, should you be locked out of your phone, that will make it easy for you to recover.

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