MTN APN Settings for Vodafone Router

MTN APN Settings for Vodafone Router

Do you wish to find the MTN APN internet settings for your Vodafone router? If yes, then this article is for you. MTN is one of the giants on the telecoms scene in South Africa. Apart from mobile broadband, people use the network for internet both at home or in the office. If you have a Vodafone router, you may be looking for the internet settings to start using it on MTN. Perhaps you have been getting internet from Vodacom all along and you now wish to switch to MTN.

MTN Internet Settings for Vodafone Routers

  • Name: MTN Internet
  • APN: internet
  • Dialup number: *99#
  • Username: guest
  • Password: blank

How to set up MTN APN Settings on a Vodafone router

Those are the MTN APN settings for a Vodafone router. But how do you configure these settings. Most likely you already know this since you are already looking for the APN settings. This section is for those who do not know how to configure APN on their Vodafone routers. Please note that Vodafone has many routers and mobile WiFi devices. How your model is configured may be slightly different. You may look online for the correct details.

  1. To get started, you need to connect your phone or browser to your Vodafone router’s network. It doesn’t matter if there is no internet.
  2. Next, open a browser and type in the default IP for Vodafone routers. That’s usually http://vodafonemobile.wifi.
  3. Press enter and login using the default password. That’s usually admin.
  4. Once logged in, click on Main.
  5. Next, click on Mobile Broadband.
  6. From there, click on Connection.
  7. Click on dropdown list under Account Type.
  8. Choose Custom.
  9. Go to APN and type in the details given above.
  10. Save your changes and exit.

Why am I still not getting internet?

Once you have set up those MTN APN settings for your Vodafone router, you should be able to get internet connectivity. However, there are times when this does not happen. This could be down to several issues.

  1. First make sure that you have data in your MTN SIM. That may seem obvious but it’s something that some people neglect to do.
  2. Next, make sure that you are using an unlocked Vodafone router. If the Vodafone router in which you have entered the MTN APN settings for is locked, then you will be out of luck.
  3. Make sure you have changed the dialup number to the one given above.
  4. Some people were able to connect to the internet after doing a device reset and then re-configuring the MTN internet settings on the Vodafone router.

Here are MTN APN settings for ZTE routers

What does APN stand for?

APN stands for access point name. It’s the gateway that your device use to establish an internet connection with the network. Without an APN, you won’t be able to connect to the internet.

On most devices, APN settings are configured automatically. That’s particularly the case on mobile phones. If you have gotten your router from MTN, then it will have APN settings already preset.

However, there are times where you may be required to type in the MTN APN settings for Vodafone routers. We have already seen such a scenario. Perhaps you are using a router from another network. In that case, you will need to manually set up the requisite APN settings.


This post was dedicated to showing you the MTN APN settings for your Vodafone router. Once you have configured these settings, you should have internet. We noted that you can only do this if your Vodafone router is not locked to the Vodacom network.

Anyway, if you have comments and questions, you can post them either below or on our SA Broadband MTN discussions forum. Our experts are on standby to help you with the correct answers.

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