How to Activate Caller ID on MTN South Africa

How to Activate Caller ID on MTN South Africa

Do you wish to learn how to activate caller ID on MTN South Africa? Caller ID is a feature that allows you to see the name and number of the person who is calling you. It also allows your name and phone number to be displayed when you call other people. On MTN, caller ID is also called Call Line Identity. It’s a nifty feature that makes life easy for you by showing you exactly who is calling you.

How to Enable Caller ID On MTN

The following is how to activate caller ID on MTN in South Africa?

  1. The first thing that you will need to do is to check if your cellphone supports caller ID. Most modern phones support the feature.
  2. Caller ID is automatically available for MTN PayAsYouGo customers. So, you don’t need to take any steps to activate it.
  3. If you are an MTN Contract customer, you need to call 135 to activate caller ID.

It’s a feature on your phone

Caller ID is mainly a feature on your phone. On MTN, we have noted that the feature is automatically active for all PayAsYouGo customers. But whether or not you have this feature will depend on the type of phone that you have. Most Samsung phones support this feature. Other phones also have support for the feature.

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Why activate caller ID on MTN

So, why would you bother turning on caller ID on MTN? It’s all about convenience. You want to be able to see who is calling you. You also want to have a situation where people who you are calling can see who is calling them. So, this feature is one which a lot of people seek to activate.


In this article, we showed you how to activate caller ID on MTN. We noted that people need this feature to be able to see who is calling them. You also need to activate it for your contacts to see who is calling them. Caller ID is a feature on your phone. On MTN, all PayAsYouGo customers have this feature automatically activated. Contract customers can reach out to MTN to get caller ID turned on.

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