City Power Prepaid Meter Problems

City Power Prepaid Meter Problems

Are you looking for solutions to your City Power prepaid meter problems? If yes, then you have come to the right place. Prepaid electricity meters are meant to make life easy. They allow you to take charge of your consumptions. If you are a landlord, a prepaid meter is a good way of preventing billing disputes with your tenants. Prepaid meters are great, but they are not infallible. You may encounter problems with your City Power meter every now and again. In this article, we will explore these problems and how you can solve them.

What problems can you encounter with your City Power meter?

The following are some of the most common City Power prepaid meter problems;

  1. Failure to top up your electricity meter (Error 30).
  2. Meter not turning on.

Solutions to the City Power prepaid meter problems

Those are the City Power prepaid meter problems. In this section, we are going to take a look at solutions to each of these issues.

Solution if you are unable to top up your electricity meter

This, by far, is the biggest of the City Power prepaid meter problems. A lot of people reach out to us or to City Power because they are unable to top up their meters. You have probably bought a token but no matter what you do, the meter keeps refusing to accept it.

What could be the cause of this issue and how do your resolve it? In many instances, the issue is down to interference that stops communication between the meter and the keypad. This failure to communicate is what sometimes triggers Error 30 on some meters.

To solve this issue, you need to plug the Customer Interface Unit (CIU) into a different power socket. If there was interference, then doing this should be enough to solve your issue. In fact, this solution usually works in most instances where people are unable to top up their meters.

Another solution is to turn off all other items that are near the CIU. Remember we stated that this problem is usually caused by interference. If that interference is coming from other electronic devices, then turning them off should solve the issue.

Another thing that you may wish to do is to disconnect all your other appliances to see if that solves the problem. Do this one at a time. As an example, you may switch off your refrigerator and then try to top up your meter. Then move on to your DSTV decoder. Do this for all your appliances

Fluorescent lights may be another source of interference leading to communication failure between your CIU and the meter. What you may wish to do is to turn them off. See whether or not that resolves the issue.

Here are the Hexing prepaid meter solutions

Meter not turning on

Having your meter refuse to turn on is another of the City power prepaid meter problems. This can be caused by a number of issues. Check to see if the meter cable is still intact.

Also make sure that the fuse on the plug that connects the device to a power outlet is intact. Check the fuse if there is one. If it’s blown, then you will need to replace it with a new one.


In this article, we gave you the City Power prepaid meter problems. We noted that the biggest issue that you are likely to encounter is that of failed communication between the meter and your UIC. Should that happen, then you probably will not be able to top up your meter.

You will also not be able to carry out any other commands on the device, such as checking your balance. The good news is that this is a problem that’s easy enough to resolve. In the event that you issue has persisted, you may wish to get in touch with City Power using their contact number.

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