Advantages of Using Prepaid Electricity Meters

Advantages of Using Prepaid Electricity Meters

What are the advantages of using prepaid electricity meters? More and more households and businesses in South Africa have been switching to prepaid electricity meters. These meters come with a number of benefits. They also come with their setbacks. In this article, we are going to share with you the advantages of switching over to a prepaid meter. What benefits do you derive from using a prepaid meter?

Benefits of prepaid electricity meters

The following are some of the benefits of using prepaid electricity meters in South Africa;

  1. A prepaid meter puts you in control of your electricity consumption.
  2. There is no chance that you will get into debt. The moment your electricity runs out, you are forced to buy more units.
  3. It’s easy to check how much electricity remains for your consumption.
  4. There are no bills.

Prepaid electricity meters put you in control

This is probably among the biggest advantages of using prepaid electricity meters. With normal metering, you are billed after the fact. However, with prepaid meters, you get billed in advance. That makes it easy for you to plan how much electricity you are going to use up at any given point in time.

Planning becomes easy because you can check on your meter to find out how much power was used up in the previous month. By monitoring this usage, you will get a good idea of how much electricity you are going to need for each month.

You avoid debt

Another of the advantages of using prepaid electricity meters is that there is no chance that you will ever accrue debt. That usually happens with normal billing. However, with a prepaid meter, you can only use electricity that you have already paid for. It makes life a lot easier for those that do not wish to end up owning the electricity company a lot of money.

It’s easy to check your remaining units

This is related to the first point that we gave in this article. Prepaid electricity meters come with user interfaces that allow people to input commands into the device. You can use this keyboard to check your balance and to input your token. Knowing your balance is important because it allows you to prepare to buy new tokens well ahead of time.

Here are the Hexing prepaid meter codes

You don’t get bills

Most people hate bills. One major advantage of prepaid electricity is that you don’t get bills. We have already noted that you can only use what you have paid for. If you don’t buy a token, you will not have electricity in your home or office.

What are the disadvantages of using prepaid electricity meter

Like everything else that has advantages, using prepaid electricity meters comes with its own disadvantages. But what are these negatives? For one thing, there is a risk that you will be switched off if you run out of power when you don’t have money. With the previous billing system, you would cruise along till the end of the month, but with prepaid meters, you are switched off the moment you run out.

Another disadvantage is that it can be a hassle too try and find a place selling tokens. Maybe you will have to go to your nearest garage or to your nearest store. The good news, however, is that you can now buy electricity using your bank account. This is applicable for most of the banks that are in South Africa.


Prepaid electricity meters are fair for both the consumer and for the power company. People are forced to pay for power that they are going to use. It means the power company will always get its money on time.

On the part of the consumer, there are several advantages, a lot of which we have already covered. The biggest of these is the fact that prepaid electricity meter puts you in control of your consumption. You know exactly where you are in relation to your usage, and you don’t accrue debts.

Learn about the 10 ways to save electricity at home

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