USSD Code for Vodacom PUK Number

USSD Code for Vodacom PUK Number

Are you looking for the USSD code to retrieve your Vodacom PUK number? You are probably here because you have made three attempts to unlock your Vodacom SIM using the PIN. However, you failed in all these attempts and now your SIM has been locked. The only way that you are going to unlock it is using the PUK. PUK stands for Personal Unblocking Key. So, what’s the USSD for finding this key on Vodacom?

Vodacom PUK number USSD

The USSD code for getting your Vodacom PUK number is *135#. Once you have dialed this number, select Services. In Services, you then choose PUK Number.

Other options for getting your Vodacom PUK number

That’s the Vodacom PUK number USSD. It’s probably one of the easiest ways through which to see the PUK on your phone. However, it’s not the only way. The following ways can also enable you to view your SIM’s PUK number on Vodacom;

  1. You can find your Vodacom SIM number on the starter pack to which your SIM was attached. The unfortunate thing is that a lot of people tend to throw these away.
  2. Another way of finding your PUK on Vodacom is through the My Vodacom App. Once you have logged in, you need to go to the Main Menu, from where you can choose My account. From there, go to Account details. Log in to get your PUK and other information.
  3. You can also text VPP to 31050 from the phone whose PUK you are looking for. This method will not work if your SIM is already locked.
  4. You can also dial 082 135 to get help.

You may also be interested in the Vodacom SIM swap USSD.

You need to keep your PUK somewhere safe

When your SIM has already been locked, it can be a struggle getting it unlocked if you don’t keep your PUK somewhere safe. The first thing that you need to do when you get a new SIM is either to remove the PIN or to write down your PUK somewhere.

Also try to keep the SIM Starter pack. That can be difficult after several years, but another great option for maintaining your PUK number. If you have the PUK written somewhere, you won’t need the USSD code for finding the Vodacom PUK number on your SIM.


This article was dedicated to showing you the USSD code for viewing your Vodacom PUK number. You can use this code if your SIM has not already been locked.

Once it is locked, it becomes impossible to unlock it using the Vodacom PUK number USSD. A better approach would be to use the Vodacom App to find your PUK. You can also call Vodacom Customer care.

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