Recharger Prepaid Meter Codes

Recharger Prepaid Meter Codes

Are you looking for the Recharger prepaid meter codes? Recharger is a popular electricity sub-metering company in South Africa. They give landlords the ability to have prepaid meters installed for individual tenants on their properties. That’s important as far as managing consumption is concerned. It ensure that there are no disputes between the landlord and his tenants, and between the tenants themselves. You are here because you wish to find the codes for your Recharger meter. So, what are they?

Codes for Recharger meters

Recharger uses meters from Conlog, Hexing, Gemlite and Landis+Gyr. The company does not manufacturer meters. What it means is that the codes that you are going to need to get are those for the type of meter that you have in your home or office. The table below shows some of the basic Recharger prepaid electricity meter codes;

Balance check801009002002
Meter number804100000000
Tariff index809006058058
Emergency credit811153
Cancel alarm81200
Consumption current month814272008008
Last recharge amount817056056
Last token number830200054054

Important Recharger prepaid meter codes

Those are the Recharger prepaid meter codes. We have already noted that Recharger uses meters from difference manufacturers. It means you will need to first check who the manufacturer of your meter is before finding the correct codes. In this article, we have given you the most used codes. The following are some of them;

Check balance

Most people look for Recharger prepaid electricity meter codes because they wish to check their balances. That’s normal when operating your device. You need to be able to see how much power you still have before running out.

Having this knowledge enables you to make quick purchases. We have another article in which we talk about how to buy Recharger prepaid electricity. The good thing is that there are a couple of options in this regard. It’s very easy to keep your meter topped up.

Meter number

The meter number is needed when buying tokens for your meter. So, this tends to be another of the commonly sought Recharger prepaid meter codes.

Meter numbers are usually printed on the front of the device. But if the information is not there, there are different codes for bringing up your meter number, depending on the manufacturer of the meter that you have on your property.

Tariff Index

Tariff indexes differ depending on your consumption. Electricity becomes more expensive the more you use up. That’s because the commodity is in short supply, so utilities are trying to encourage people to save power. In any case, you can get your current tariff index by entering the correct code into your Recharger meter.

Consumption in current month

People are usually interested in knowing how much electricity they have used up within the current month. It’s also possible to use a code to find the consumption level for the previous month. All this information is available to Recharger customers using the codes given above.

Get full codes

In this article, we focused on giving you the most popular Recharger prepaid meter codes. However, our list is only a summary. If you wish to get the complete list of codes for your particular meter, you need to download the Recharger user manuals.


In this article, we gave you the short codes for your Recharger meter. It was noted that Recharger is a big brand in South Africa. However, they don’t manufacture any meters. They provide sub-metering solutions.

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