MTN What is My Number?

MTN What is My Number?

Have you been asking yourself “what is my MTN number?” MTN is the second largest mobile network in South Africa. They come second after Vodacom. If you have recently moved to MTN from another network, or if you have an MTN SIM that you haven’t been using that much, you may wondering what your MTN number is.

What is my MTN South Africa number?

If you want to see what your MTN South Africa number is, you simply need to dial *123*888#. You will get a message showing you your number.


There are a number of alternatives for answering the question MTN what is my number. The following are the available options;

  1. You can send a please call to someone else from a phone with the SIM for which you wish to identify what your MTN number is. Here is the MTN please call me back USSD for South Africa. The person to whom you have send a please call will receive a message showing your number.
  2. It’s also possible to get the information that you are looking for by dialing another person. That works if you have airtime in the SIM card in question.

Why check what your MTN number is?

That’s the answer to the question MTN what is my number. But why would you look for your number in the first place. Under normal circumstances, we all memorize our number within a short space of time.

But there are some people who find this difficult. If you are one of them, look at our tips for memorizing your number. They are given below.

Anyway, a lot times, South Africans have SIM cards for all the networks. In that case, people do not bother memorizing all the numbers. You only memorize the number for the network that you use primarily.

There are also people who use MTN SIM cards in their routers. In that case, it’s difficult to memorize that number. Anyway, the challenge emerges when it comes to recharging your SIM. You need the number to do so.

Tips for memorizing your MTN number

If you are one of those people who have difficulty memorizing their numbers, there are a number of things that you can do to alleviate the problem. First, you need to break each number into 3 components. That way you won’t have to memorize single digits.

You should also write down the number as part of the process of memorizing it. Do it often enough and you will have not issues remembering it. Anyway, most people needlessly worry. If you keep using a number for long enough, you won’t need to answer the question MTN what is my number.

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