MTN Upgrade Check South Africa

MTN Upgrade Check South Africa

Do you wish to carry out an MTN upgrade check in South Africa? You are here because you took out an MTN contract a while back and you now wish to upgrade. Perhaps you got a phone, tablet, laptop or some other device as part of the deal. Now you wish to upgrade to get a better device. Before you can do this, you will need to check whether or not you qualify for an upgrade. So, how do you do this?

How to check if I qualify for an MTN upgrade

The following is how to do an MTN upgrade check;

  1. You can check whether or not you qualify for an MTN upgrade by dialing the USSD code Dial *136#. From the items that come up, select MTN Menu then My account. Finally, go to Upgrade eligibility.
  2. Another MTN upgrade check option is to dial 135 from your phone. This allows you to talk to an agent. Tell them that you wish to find out whether or not you are now eligible for an upgrade.
  3. It’s also possible to see whether you qualify for an upgrade using the MTN website.
  4. You can also use the MTN app to find out whether or not you are due for an upgrade. In fact, the moment you become due, you will receive notification within the app.
  5. Then My account and choose Upgrade eligibility.  

Here is the MTN loyalty points USSD

Why upgrade?

That’s how to do an MTN upgrade check. But why would you want to go down this route in the first place? For most people, upgrading becomes necessary as their devices get old. That phone that was amazing when you got it probably now appears like a relic.

Some people upgrade because they have lost the devices that they got on contract. Now they wish to get new devices. Perhaps you got a phone and it has become either damaged or lost. Maybe it was stolen. That happens a lot across South Africa.

In any case, upgrading is a way for you to get a newer, better device. It’s what many people do in order to keep up with the trends.

You may also be interested in learning what happens when your MTN contract expires.

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