How to Remove Caller Tune on MTN South Africa

How to Remove Caller Tune on MTN South Africa

Do you wish to learn how to remove a caller tune on MTN in South Africa? A lot of people get these tunes seemingly out of nowhere. Under the best of circumstances, they are rather jarring. That can be worse if you get an unwelcome welcome tone on your business phone. Imagine having your customers being greeted with a valentines song! Another thing is that caller tunes are subscriptions and you need to pay for them. Anyway, these tunes do not just appear on your phone out of nowhere, though they may seem to do so. In this article, will show you how to cancel a welcome tone on MTN.

How to cancel MTN welcome tone

The following is how to remove a caller tune on MTN;

  1. Dial *123*10# and follow the prompts to remove the welcome tone from your phone.
  2. Alternatively, you can send STOP or OPT OUT to 0839300639 via SMS.

How did I get caller tunes on my phone?

That’s how to remove a caller tune on MTN. If you go online you will find a lot of people blasting MTN for secretly adding caller tunes to their phones. You will often hear somebody saying the tone got on my phone without my approval. However, that almost never happens.

Caller tones are usually part of subscriptions services. You get them on your phone by subscribing to a service. Unfortunately, a lot of people sign up for subscriptions without really thinking through what they are doing. Hence you hear a lot of people saying they don’t remember getting a caller tune.

In actual fact, it got on your phone becasue you clicked on a banner or subscribed. We have previously written on how to remove MTN subscriptions. You will notice that the steps are the same for removing a caller tone from your MTN tone.

The subscriptions keep being renewed

One complaint that we are constantly coming across is that the subscription that was made keeps reappearing. Perhaps you took the steps that are outlined above, but you discover to your horror that after a few days, caller tunes reappear on your phone.

What do you do in that case? You solution here would be to get in touch with MTN. They are usually very responsive on Twitter and on Facebook. Maybe you need to remove ALL subscriptions from your phone. Perhaps there is one that keeps bringing back those annoying caller tones.


In this article we showed you how to remove a caller tune from you MTN South Africa phone. We noted that caller tones are part of subscription services. You get charged per week or per month for them. Amounts charged can be up to R1 per month.

While there are a lot of people who like them, others complain because they don’t remember subscribing to them. The trouble is that people usually get tricked into signing up. Maybe you clicked on an innocent looking banner or you subcribed to a service without reading the fine print.

Before you go, check out our article answering the question how much is a SIM swap on MTN?

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