How to Convert Telkom Night Data to Day Data

How to Convert Telkom Night Data to Day Data

Are you trying to find out how to convert Telkom Night Surfer data to day data? Night Surfer bundles are a major attraction for most people. They offer massive amounts of data at a fraction of the cost. The only catch is that night bundles can only be accessed in the dead of the night. On Telkom, that’s between 12am – 7am. At these times, most people will be in deep slumber. Now, your bundle is about to expire and you have hardly used the Night Surfer component. You feel cheated. That’s why you are here trying to learn how to use Telkom Night Surfer data during the day.

How to use Telkom Night Surfer data during the day

How to use Telkom Night Surfer data during the day

We got in touch with Telkom and they told us that it’s not possible to convert Night Surfer data to day data. It’s also not possible to convert day data into night data on Telkom.

Who is this bundle for?

That’s how to convert Telkom Night Surfer data to day data. It cannot be done, as we have already noted. But who is this bundle for in the first place.

This bundle can be used by many groups of people. As an example, we are bloggers and the Telkom Night Surfer bundle is one that we could use a lot. YouTube content creators can use it to download, edit and post videos.

Students can also use it for their schoolwork. That’s particularly the case for college students. The major advantage here is that data will be available to you are a severely reduced rate, making it affordable to most people.

Learn how to buy Telkom data using a bank card


That’s how to convert the Telkom night surfer data bundle to day data. We noted in this article that this cannot be done. According to Telkom South Africa, night data cannot be turned into day data. The reverse is also true; day data cannot be turned into night data.

The great thing is that the data market in South Africa has become very competitive, what with the entrance of Rain onto the fray. The result is that prices have continued to fall. So, if you hunt around long enough, you will come across a bundle that fits both your pocket and your needs.

When you do, test your internet speed using the SA Broadband internet testing tool. This tool can be used to test Telkom, Rain, Vodacom and any other ISP’s speed.

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