How to Clear E19 4 Error on DSTV

How to Clear E19 4 Error on DSTV

Do you wish to learn how to clear and E19 4 error on DSTV? It’s something that you may encounter at some point in time. DSTV is very popular in South Africa and across Africa. The company has millions of customers. There have been some reports that the company faces challenges, but DSTV remains strong. You are here because you have encountered an E19 4 error and you are wondering what it is and how you can fix it. We will help you in this article.

How to fix DSTV E19 error

The following is how to clear an E19 4 error on DSTV via Self Service;

  1. Go to the DSTV Self Service website and log in.
  2. Once logged in, choose the decoder for which you wish to clear the E19 error.
  3. Click on Fix error.
  4. Choose the E19-subscription expired.
  5. Click on Fix now.
  6. Wait a few minutes and you should now get a signal on your device.

Use USSD to clear E19 errors

If you are in South Africa, you also have the option to clear E19 4 error on your decoder using the DSTV USSD. The following is how to do it;

  1. Dial the DSTV USSD code *120*68584#.
  2. Go to Manage viewing.
  3. Open Fix an Error.
  4. Choose E16 error.
  5. Complete the process of clearing the error.

Get customer care to clear the error on your behalf

Most people find it difficult to navigate the two processes outlined above. The good news is that you don’t have to be stuck. Should you wish to get help, you can easily do so.

DSTV customer care is quick to resolve any issues that you may be having, including by clearing the E19 error. Just reach out to them and you should be done in a few moments.

You can reach out to DSTV on Twitter. You can also reach them on Facebook. Another option is to go to the DSTV website. Chat using the live chat facility on there and you should be able to get help quickly.

What causes this error?

That’s how to clear an E19 4 error on DSTV. You can do this via Self Service or you can reach out to DSTV customer care to get the error cleared. But what causes this error in the first place?

The E19 4 error is a subscription expired error. It means you have been late in making your payments. The assumption for the above steps is that you have now paid, and you wish to get signal.


In this article we showed you how to clear the E19 4 error on DSTV. It was noted that this error is a common one. It happens in the event that you have been late in making your payments.

If you are in South Africa, that may mean you will have to pay a reconnection fee. There are many options for clearing the error. You can use customer service.

You can also use WhatsApp to clear the error. Finally, you can contact DSTV customer care to get them to clear the error for you.

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