How to Change Netflix Quality on TV

How to Change Netflix Quality on TV

Do you wish to learn how to change the Netflix streaming quality on your TV? Is that something that can be done? Netflix is the number one video streaming service in the world. When you sign up for an account, you are able to create profiles that have different settings. These profiles are great for managing viewing by different people within your home. In order to change your streaming quality, you need to modify your own profile.

Changing streaming quality on Netflix?

In order to change the Netflix streaming quality on your TV, you will have to log into your profile on a computer. The following are the steps that you need to follow;

  1. Log into your account on the Netflix website.
  2. Once logged in, choose your profile. That’s important because streaming quality settings are profile specific.
  3. Click on the drop down arrow on your profile picture.
  4. Open Account.
  5. Scroll down and choose Playback settings.
  6. You will see that your video quality is set to Auto by default. It’s a good option since it switches quality based on your internet connection’s quality.
  7. Choose High to force Netflix to always stream in 1080p quality on all devices for that particular profile.

Can you do this from your TV?

You are probably here because you are on the hunt for a way through which to change Netflix streaming quality directly on your TV. Is that something that can be done?

Unfortunately, it’s currently not possible to do so directly on the TV. If you wish to change your Netflix resolution, you are going to have to do it via a computer or on your phone.

You can’t do it through the app. If you are change your picture quality using a phone, you will have to log into your account on a browser. From there, you will be able to access the relevant sections.

Your plan needs to be on Premium

That’s how to change Netflix video quality on TV in South Africa and across the globe. One thing that you need to remember is that HD resolution is not available on all plans. You need to be on the premium plan to be able to benefit from this feature.

Also keep in mind that forcing the HD resolution on a bad internet connection can lead to buffering. Usually, Netflix is able to determine the best quality for your connection, meaning video quality may be low because your connection is bad.

Find out how to stop Netflix buffering


In this article, we showed you how to change your Netflix video streaming quality on your smart TV. It was noted that video quality is tied to your profile. You can only change it from a computer and not directly from your TV.

To get HD, you need to be on the premium plan. Otherwise you are not going to be able to change this setting. One thing to note is that forcing Netflix to stream in HD can lead to buffering on your devices.

What is the internet speed required for Netflix?

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