How Long Can you Pause Live TV on the Explora?

How Long Can you Pause Live TV on the Explora?

How long can you pause live TV on a DSTV Explora decoder? It’s something that you may be wondering about. The DSTV Explora is a wonderful decoder that allows you to pause, record and rewind live television. Once you have tried it out, you will not want to go back. Being able to pause live TV gives you total control of your viewing. But for how long can you put the Explora on pause? Does this decoder allow you to go the whole day while the program that you are watching is on pause?

For how long can you pause live TV on an Explora?

The DSTV Explora allows you to pause up to 2 hours of live television. This applies for all versions of the Explora, including the Explora 3a, the Explora 3b and the Explora Ultra. It also applies for earlier versions of the Explora.

How to pause live TV on the Explora

That’s the answer to the question how long can you pause live TV on the Explora. This facility is very convenient, but how do you pause live TV?

If you check on your DSTV remote, you will see that there is a pause button. There are also rewind and fast forward buttons.

These buttons are located immediately above the number buttons on your Explora A7 remote. They are also similarly placed on newer models of the remote.

How much is the Explora remote?


In this post, we answered the question how long can you pause live TV on the Explora? It was noted that you can pause live TV for 2 hours. That should give you the freedom to carry out tasks around you home or office.

We also noted that being able to pause live TV comes with a number of obvious advantages. In fact, you will never wish to use another type of decoder once you have tried out the Explora.

Learn how to use your Explora remote to switch your TV on and off

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