Cell C WhatsApp Bundle Price

Cell C WhatsApp Bundle Price

What is the Cell C WhatsApp bundle price? Cell C is one of South Africa’s major mobile networks. In recent years, it has been transforming into a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MNVO) as a way of saving money. That came on the back of challenges that the company has been facing. This transformation means Cell C no longer owns network infrastructure. Instead, the company uses the MTN physical network. Like all the other networks in the country, Cell C offers bundles for WhatsApp, the country’s most popular messaging platform. But what’s the price of these bundles?

How much do Cell C WhatsApp bundles cost?

The following is the Cell C WhatsApp bundle price;

R5250 MBTill midnight
R10300 MB3 days
R15500 MB7 days
R20600 MB15 days
R291 GB30 days


That is the Cell C WhatsApp bundle price. As you can see from the above table, the smallest bundle that you can buy is the R5 bundle. It provides you with R250 MB of WhatsApp data that is valid till midnight on the same day.

Next, you can buy a bundle of 300 MB for R10. This particular bundle is valid for 3 days, so you have a lot more days in which to use it. This is a good bundle for most normal WhatsApp users.

Another bundle that you will be able to buy from Cell C is the R15 WhatsApp bundle. That provides you with 500MB of data, which is valid for 7 days. It’s a fairly reasonable amount to spend for access to WhatsApp for the entire week.

If you wish to get a WhatsApp bundle that can last you 15 days, you will have to pay R20 for it. This bundle is composed of 600 MB worth of data.

Finally, there is an R29 bundle of data that provides you with 1GB of data. This bundle is valid for 30 days. It’s ideal for those looking to have access to WhatsApp for the entire month.

Can you make audio and video calls?

So far in this article, we have provided you with the Cell C WhatsApp bundle price. One thing that you may be asking yourself is whether or not you will be able to use this data for making audio and video calls.

You can find the answer in our article titled What does Cell C WhatsApp bundle include? The answer will be surprising to you considering what other networks have to offer.

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What is the Cell C WhatsApp bundle price? It’s the question that we sought to answer in this article. It was noted that WhatsApp bundles offered by the company start from R5 and go all the way to R29. The entry level plan is valid for only 1 day while the other bundle is valid for 30 days. When you buy this bundle, you can only use the data for WhatsApp. It will not work for other things.

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