Zyxel Router Default Password and Username

Zyxel Router Default Password and Username

Are you looking for the Zyxel router default password and username? Zyxel is a popular router brand in South Africa. You will find their routers in use on Telkom, Vodacom, MTN, Rain and on many other ISPs. As an example, a lot of Telkom customers have the ZyXEL SBG3300-N000. Others have the Telkom Zyxel P2602IAD. If you have a Zyxel router in your home or in your office, you may be looking for the default login details for your device. That’s the information that we provide you in this post.

Default Login Details for Zyxel Routers

The most common Zyxel router username is admin, while the most common password is 1234. On some Zyxel routers, admin is the default for both the password and username. In the table below, you will find a list of most the most common Zyxel routers that can be found out there. We have put models that are prevalent in South Africa at the top.

ZyXEL Router ModelDefault UsernameDefault Password
Telkom Zyxel P2602IADadminadmin
Telkom ZyXEL SBG3300-N000adminadmin
C1000Zon bottom of routeron bottom of router
C3000Zadminprinted on router
D1000 adminPrinted on Router Label
HomeBox 6641created at setupcreated at setup
Keenetic IIIadminadmin
ZYXEL LTE7460admin1234
P 2601HNadmin1234
P 330wadmin1234
P 660 D1 RoHS12341234
P 661H D1adminadmin
Prestige 660HW T1adminadmin
Prestige 960webadmin1234
SP 660blank1234
X 550admin1234
ZyAIR B 2000blank1234
ZyAIR G 2000blank1234
ZyAIR G 2000 Plusblank1234
ZyAIR G 2000 Plusblank1234
ZyWall 1blank1234

I cant find my model on the list

Zyxel probably has hundreds of router models. You may find that the model that you have is not on our list. What do you do in that case?

Try the defaults

It would be impossible to put down all the default Zyxel router passwords here. Fortunately, there is a pattern to the Zyxel default password.

We have already noted that the default username is usually admin, while the default password is usually 1234. Those are the details that you should try first. In most instances, you will be able to log into your device using these defaults.

If you cannot find your router model on our list, you should try all the combinations given above. Try admin for both the username and password. Also try blank (no password) for the username and 1234 for the Zyxel router password. That should enable you to log in.

Find the correct details on the bottom of your Zyxel router

Many people do this, only to forget their new Zyxel router default passwords soon after. Should this happen to you, you will not be able to get in. So, what can you do?

Zyxel router default password

If you check on the bottom of your Zyxel router, you will notice that there is a label. The label has quite a number of information, including all the details that you need to log in.

Most routers have this information. So, this should be easy for you to find the information and log in. You will see the Zyxel default password, as well as the default I.P. You will also find the default username.

The Zyxel default password was changed

It’s advisable to change the Zyxel default password the first time that you log into the device. That’s done as a protective measure. What happens is, hackers can get into your network using the defaults given above. They are mostly similar across the board.

If you check out our TP link router password list, you will see what we are talking about. There is a patter to the defaults for most routers. The same applies for Huawei routers. You should, therefore, change the password on yours as soon as possible.

There have been times when people were locked out of their networks by crafty neighbors. That’s only have of what can happen. And it’s the least frightening proposition.

Reset your router if you cant find the Zyxel default password

In the event that your Zyxel router password was changed and you are unable to log in because you have forgotten the new details, the only option for you will be to reset your router.

If you turn around the device, you will discover that there is a reset button. Press on it while the router is on until the device has cycled off and on. Afterwards, you router will be reset.

The disadvantage of resetting your router is that you lose all your settings. It means you will have to set up everything once again.

Why look for the Zyxel default password

So, why would you look for the Zyxel default password in the first place? You are here because you wish to get into your router’s dashboard. There are several reasons for wanting to do that.

Maybe, you wish to find the Zyxel default username and password because you wish to change the name of your network.

Or perhaps you wish to change your password. There are plenty of additional changes that are only possible from the insider of your router. Hence you are here looking for the Zyxel default password and username.


In this article, we gave you the admin login details for Zyxel routers. We noted that Zyxel is a popular model in South Africa. Users of these devices may find themselves having to log into the device at one point or the other.

To do that, they need to have the default password for their Zyxel router. Are you having issues? If yes, feel free to ask your questions on our Forum. Optionally, you can leave a comment in the section below.

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