What Happens when my Vodacom Contract Expires?

What Happens when my Vodacom Contract Expires?

Is your Vodacom contract about to expire? Have you been been wondering what happens when your Vodacom contract expires? Millions of people in South Africa take advantage of Vodacom‘s contract offers to get gadgets, airtime and data at affordable rates. These contracts typically run either for 12 months or for 24 months. Some people choose to cancel their contracts before the expiry dates. However, for most people, the contracts that they take with Vodacom run their full course. So, what happens at the end, when your Vodacom contract reaches it’s expiry date?

What happens at the end of my Vodacom contract?

In order to understand what happens when your Vodacom contract expires, you need to go through the company’s Contract Terms and Conditions. Unfortunately, that’s not something that a lot of people are willing to do. Hence you are here, asking what happens when my Vodacom expires. But not to worry. We have carried out research and the following is what we have found out;

  1. If you do nothing, Vodacom will renew your contract on a month to month basis when your contract expires. This is what usually happens to most people. They ignore their Vodacom contract expiry dates and their contracts are automatically renewed every month.
  2. Another thing that can happen when your Vodacom contract expires is that you can upgrade the contract. Perhaps your contract involved a mobile device or a computer and you now wish to get a newer model.
  3. It’s also possible for you to cancel your Vodacom contract upon it’s expiry. Many people want to do this before the end of their contracts. If you go down this way, you will have to pay “reasonable,” contract cancellation fee. You will also need to give 20 days notice. However, if you cancel your contract when it has expired, you won’t have to pay anything.
  4. Another possibility is that when your Vodacom contract expires, Vodacom will offer you a new contract. Should you agree to the terms, then you will get a new deal from Vodacom.
  5. You can also choose to renew your Vodacom contract upon it’s expiry. Here, we are talking about remaining on the same contracts. That’s different from getting a new contract or upgrading. Anyway, that’s another solution to the question; “what happens when my Vodacom contract expires.”


In a nutshell, that’s what happens when your contract with Vodacom expires. You have several options. If you do nothing, the contract will be renewed on a month to month basis. Alternatively, you can cancel the contract. You also have the option to renew the contract. It’s also possible for you to upgrade your Vodacom contract.

So, those are all the available options. What you opt for is going to depend on what you are looking for. For most people, upgrading is the best option. Remember, you will probably have a phone or tablet that’s 2 years old. So, it will have lost some of it’s luster.

Other people get lured to other contracts on other networks when their Vodacom contracts expire. It’s another option. You may wish to port if you wish to keep your number. Anyway, that’s the answer to the question; “what happens when my Vodacom contract expires.”

If you have further queries, post them on our Forum. Otherwise, if you have comments, post them below. You may also want to check out our article on how to buy Vodacom all net minutes .

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