Vodacom SIM Swap USSD Code South Africa

Vodacom SIM Swap USSD Code South Africa

Do you wish to find the Vodacom SIM Swap USSD code for South Africa? Does such a code even exist? Vodacom is the country’s biggest player on the mobile communications scene. They control over 58% of the market. You are here because you wish to swap your Vodacom SIM. There are several ways of doing this, including via USSD code. The major advantage of using USSD is that it’s quick and easy. So, what’s the Vodacom SIM Swap self service code?

Vodacom SIM Swap Self Service

The Vodacom SIM Swap USSD code is *136#. If that does not work, simply dial 136 from your phone, with new SIM inserted. From the options that appear, choose Use Old Number. You will now be directed to an agent who will do the SIM Swap on your behalf.

The alternatives

You can also do a SIM swap by walking into your nearest Vodacom shop and having the people there handle the process for you.

What do I need to do a SIM Swap?

In order to do a Vodacom SIM Swap, you first need to buy a new Vodacom SIM card. You can buy this from your nearest store.

Once you have bought the new SIM, insert it into your phone and dial the Vodacom SIM swap USSD code as given above.

Why Swap your SIM?

There are several possible reasons why you are here. Most people swap their SIMs after their old cards have become damaged for one reason or the other.

You could old be looking to swap your SIM from to a Micro or Nano SIM. These are the ones that are now being used in most newer phones.

How long does a SIM swap take?

According to Vodacom, it takes between 2 and 24 hours for your SIM to be swapped. Once it’s done, you will be able to use your new SIM.

The good news is that after using the Vodacom SIM swap USSD code as given above, you will keep all your contacts, data and airtime. Your number will also not be changed.

Summary: Vodacom SIM Swap USSD

That’s the Vodacom SIM Swap Self Service code. In essence, you don’t really complete the process yourself, since you are directed to a Vodacom agent who gets you through the process.

In this post, we noted that many people swap their SIMs for a number of reasons. We also noted that the process of doing a swap is easy.

You can leave comments below or on our Forum. Otherwise, here is another article on how to activate a Vodacom SIM card.

2 thoughts on “Vodacom SIM Swap USSD Code South Africa”

  1. Good day,I have been trying to do SIM swap for my Vodacom card but no success.When I wait for the agent my call is hung up and dialing 136 or 136# there is no help.What must I do now?

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