Smart LNB Price at PEP, Game, HiFi Corp, Multichoice, OK Furniture, Incredible and Makro

Smart LNB Price at PEP, Game, HiFi Corp, Multichoice, OK Furniture, Incredible and Makro

What is the Smart LNB price? It’s a question that a number of people have been asking. Getting a Smart LNB is a must if you have the latest DSTV Explora decoder. This type of LNB allows you to connect more than one decoder on the same LNB. It also allows for full HD connections on the Explora. You can buy a Smart LNB from a wide range of stores in South Africa. In this article, we are going to give you the prices at Game, HiFi Corp, Makro, Incredible and at other retailers.

DSTV Smart LNB Price

The following is the Smart LNB price at different outlets;

Store501i price502i price
HiFi CorpR449R299
OK FurnitureR479R299

What types of Smart LNB are available

That’s the DSTV smart LNB price in different stores in South Africa. In the above post, we covered the price at Game, PEP, HiFi corp, OK furniture, Makro and Incredible. You can find the gadget in a lot more stores.

You will have noticed in the above that there are currently 2 types of smart LNB on the market. The first is the 501i. The next is the 502i.

The 502i is actually the latest model. It comes with two unicable connection ports. This LNB only works for the latest model Explora decoders. It will not work on other legacy DSTV decoders. So, that’s something to keep in mind.

You can see from the above table that 501i lnbs are cheaper than 501i decoders. You also noted that in general, the latest Smart lnb from DSTV costs R299 in most stores. If you are wondering which store is the cheapest when it comes to buying a smart LNB, the answer is PEP. You can get the 501i for only R225. You can also get the 502i for only R150.

Fix an e45 error on DSTV


In this post, we showed you the DSTV smart lnb price at PEP, Ok Furniture, Game, HiFi Corp, Incredible and at Marko. We noted that PEP is the cheapest place for getting your LNB. We also noted that there are mostly 2 types of smart LNB on the market. The latest model does not come with legacy support. It only works on DSTV Explora decoders. Meanwhile, the other type has 4 ports, allowing for connections to older DSTV decoders.

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