MTN Data Share USSD Code

MTN Data Share USSD Code

What is the MTN Data Share USSD code? It’s a question that you may be asking yourself if you are one of the millions of people who use the network in South Africa. As the name suggests, Data Share allows MTN customers to share mobile data. If you are on MTN, you will be happy to know that you can add up to 5 people to your data share. You will then be able to share data with them, but what code do you use to initiate the process.

MTN Data Share Code

The MTN Data Share USSD code is *136*5#. You can use this code to activate and deactivate data share. You can also use the code to edit the list of people with whom you wish to share data. To transfer data to another person, you need to dial *131*7# before choosing Transfer from Data Balance. Follow the additional prompts to complete the process.

Why share data?

That’s the MTN Data Share USSD. But why would anyone share their data? Remember data can only be shared with other MTN users. The good thing about the service is that you can use it to distribute data to other people in the event that you have too much.

A lot of the time, people buy data and they fail to use it all before its expiry data. Let’s say you are approaching the end of your data month, and your bundle is about to expire. Instead of allowing that to happen, you can simply share with other people.

Many times those around us will run out of data. That can be debilitating in this day and age where everything happens online. So, what would be the solution to this? If you run out of data, you can send a data request to friends and family. The great thing is that they can share data with you if they have excess data in their phone.


In this article, we highlighted the MTN Data Share USSD code. It was noted that this code is useful for those looking to activate the service and for those looking to add or remove numbers from their data share.

It was also noted that you can share data with up to 5 numbers. Previously, people could share with up to 20 people. But from 2023, that number has now been reduced to 5 people. That’s probably a more manageable figure, all things considered.

Another thing is that data can only be shared with other MTN customers. We have been getting a lot of questions from people wanting to know whether or not it’s possible to share MTN data with Vodacom or Telkom customers. Unfortunately it’s not possible to do this at the current moment.

How does MTN Data Share work?

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