MTN Contract Cancellation Number

MTN Contract Cancellation Number South Africa

Are you looking for the MTN contract cancellation number? MTN is one of the biggest mobile networks in South Africa. Many MTN subscribers take out contracts to benefit from affordable terms for phones, tablets, computers, airtime and data. However, many people soon discover that these contracts are not for them. Fortunately, it’s possible to cancel an MTN contract. You can do so using the number given in this article.

What is the number to cancel a contract with MTN South Africa?

The MTN contract cancellation number is 135 for those dialing from an MTN number. If you are calling from a non MTN number, the number to dial is 083135. This number replaced the old number 808, which was changed in line with ICASA guidelines. That number still works, however.

What happens when I call the MTN contract cancellation number?

Like every other major communications company in South Africa, MTN has been outsourcing answering queries from customers to computers. As a customer, that can make for a rather frustrating interaction.

Computers do not think, yet they can be quarrelsome. Anyway, the point here is that you will have to be patient while getting connected to a real human. That’s the only way to go.

Well, perhaps not the only way. You also have the option to send a message to the MTN contract cancellation email address. That’s probably the best way to go if you do not wish to have an aneurysm.

Anyway, should you succeed in talking to someone, you can notify them that you wish to put an end to your contract with the company. They will get your details and they will get back to you with a quote of what you owe.

Why end your contract with MTN

So, why would you look for the MTN contract cancellation number? Well, it could all be for any number of reasons. We have already noted that many people benefit from MTN contracts. You could be looking to end yours because of the following;

  • Maybe you have realized that you cannot keep with the monthly payments. That should probably have occurred to your right at the onset. However, the fortunate thing is that you are allowed to cancel your contract at any time. Note, however, that you will be breaching a contract. So, you may have to pay penalties on top of what you owe for your phone, data etc.
  • Some people cancel their contracts because they are moving out of the country. It happens. The world has become better connected. Perhaps you have gotten a job in the United Kingdom. In that case, it would not be of any use to keep your contract running.
  • For many people, cancellation is because they have realized that they do not really use the acquired gadget that much. It’s just a waste. Maybe you thought the phone was rocking, only to discover that your current gadget is better. In that case, it may be better to look for the MTN contract cancellation number to put an end to your agreement with the company.
  • There are also people out there who cancel because they get enticed by other deals on other networks. South Africa is competitive in this regard. You can move to any network fairly easily while retaining your number.


In this post we gave you the MTN contract cancellation number. That’s the number to call if you wish to get in touch with the company about putting an end to your contract.

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