MTN Contract Cancellation Email Address

MTN Contract Cancellation Email Address

Are you looking for the MTN contract cancellation email address? A lot of people take out MTN contracts in South Africa. However, some of them soon begin to look at ways through which they can cancel these contracts. There are a number of ways of achieving this goal. Sending an email is probably the most popular method. So, what’s the address to which to send your email?

Email to Cancel MTN Contract

The MTN contract cancellation email is Send an email to that address notifying MTN that you wish to end your contract. They will respond in between 3 and 5 days.

What happens after I have send my email?

Sending the MTN contract cancellation email does not mean your contract is going to come to an end there and then. Getting rid of your contract with any company can be a long drawn process.

After you have send your email to cancel your MTN contract, you will receive a cancellation quote. That has a number of things.

One thing that people are not aware of is that they do not actually own the gadgets that they get from MTN till these gadgets have been paid for.

So, the cancellation quote will include that, among other fees. Roughly, the following are the charges that you will get after sending the email to cancel your MTN contract.

Balance remaining on payment for the gadget that you got.

Any amounts that you may be owing.

One month subscription

Why look for the MTN Contract Cancellation Email?

Millions of South Africans are on contract with one mobile network or the other. It’s the best way of getting gadgets, data and airtime at an affordable rate. Instead of paying for everything at once, which can be difficult, you get to pay small amounts on a monthly basis.

That’s great. So, why would anybody look for the MTN contract cancellation email address? Well, there are several reasons why you may have come to the decision to take this step. The following could be the reasons;

  • Maybe you can no longer afford to make the monthly payments. It can happen to anybody. But please note that you are not going to simply walk away from a contract scot free. You will have to pay a penalty for breaking your contract, along with any other amounts that you may be owing to MTN.
  • It’s also possible that you have discovered that the contract does not meet your needs. In that case, it would be useless to continue with it.
  • Perhaps you have been attracted by another offer from another network. It happens. Should you wish to move to another network, you can do so by porting your number.
  • You could also be looking for the MTN contract cancellation email because you are moving out of the country and you wish to settle all your obligations before going.
  • Perhaps you have not been using that shiny new phone as much as you thought you were going to. We get attracted by all sort of things everyday, some of which turn out to be duds at the end of the day.


That’s the MTN contract cancellation email. You can use it to send a message to MTN telling them that you no longer wish to proceed with your contract. Once they have received it, they will reply with a quote of what you need to pay.

You may also be interested in our MTN settings for a ZTE router article. Also, here is a full article on how to cancel an MTN contract. If you have questions, ask them on our forum. You can also leave a comment below.

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