How to Stop Prepaid Electricity Meter from Beeping

How to Stop Prepaid Electricity Meter from Beeping

Are you looking for information on how to stop your prepaid electricity meter from beeping? Prepaid electricity meters are used extensively, not only in South Africa, but across the globe. One feature of prepaid electricity meters is the beeping alarm that comes on when you are about to run out of electricity. This alarm can be annoying. It’s the reason why a lot of people look for information on how to disable the feature. So, how do you stop the prepaid electricity meter alarm?

How to disable the alarm on a prepaid electricity meter

There are many prepaid electricity meter brands in use across South Africa. How to disable the alarm on yours depends on who the manufacturer is. In the table below, we show you how to stop your prepaid electricity meter from beeping. We cover the most popular models in the country. The information given here is relevant across the globe, and not just in South Africa;

BrandHow to stop beeping
All brandsTop up the meter
HexingType in 812 then press on the enter key
Shenzen1037 and press on Enter 3 times
ConlogLong press on #
ActarisLong press on the Enter key
Nirav Star Instruments1037 and hit on the Enter button 3 times
ItronPress and hold the Enter button till alarm shuts off
Inhemeter016 or 017 and then press on Enter.

As you can see, different manufacturers use different codes to stop prepaid electricity meter alarms. In most instances, you will find the necessary code printed somewhere on the device itself. That’s the case for Hexing prepaid meters. All the codes that you need are printed on the lid covering the keypad.

We noted in the table that the best way for stopping the alarm on your prepaid electricity meter is by buying more power. There are different ways of doing this, depending on your utility. The good news is that once you have topped up your meter, the alarm will fall silent.

The method given here to stop your prepaid electricity meter beeping is useful in case you don’t have the money right there to buy new credit. Usually, you will have a day’s worth of credit left once the alarm starts beeping. So, if you are comfortable with silencing it, then go ahead and do so.

A word of warning however; running completely out of credit can have funny results on some meters. With Hexing, you may only be able to top up the meter by going next door and connecting the device to a socket there. That can be embarrassing.

The reason for this is because the meters use the electricity lines for communication with the power company. They need a socket with electricity for them to work properly. So, you may find yourself having to go to your neighbors to top us your device in the even that you have ignored the alarm.

Why are prepaid electricity meters so popular?

That’s how to stop prepaid electricity meter from beeping. But why are prepaid meters so popular? Their appeal lies in the fact that they remove guesswork when managing electricity consumption.

You can only use what you have paid for, meaning there will be no surprises. It’s something that you will learn to appreciate once you have started using the meter.


In this article, we showed you how to stop your prepaid electricity meter from beeping. It was noted that the beeping sound comes on when you are about to run out of credit. In most cases, the beeping is a last resort.

The first alarm that you will usually get is the light on the meter turning from green to red. From there, you will get the beeping sound. There are two ways of silencing it; by topping up your electricity, or through the use of a code that depends on who the manufacturer of your particular device is.

Find the Conlog prepaid meter codes

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