How to Get a TV License

How to Get a TV License

Are you wondering how to get a TV license in South Africa? By law, everyone who owns a radio or TV needs to get a license. However, the issue is a bit sensitive. Not many people are willing to pay. At the time of writing, there were reports indicating that over 82% of people in the country did not have TV licenses. That’s a debilitating thing as far as SABC is concerned. The entity depends on the money that people pay. Without that, they won’t have anything to pay content producers. You are here because you wish to pay your TV license. How do you do it?

How to get a tv license South Africa

The following is how to get a TV license;

  • You can apply for a TV license at a nearest Post Office or at any of the many retailers that are licensed to sell SABC television licenses. You shouldn’t have trouble getting to the right place. Any place that sells TVs is usually also licensed to sell licenses.
  • You can also register your TV online to get a license. While registering, you will be required to enter your National ID number.

How much will I have to pay?

That’s how to get a TV license. We noted above that you can apply for one at a place that sells TVs or at a licensed retailer. But how much will you have to pay when you do so?

The SABC television license fee is R265 per year. When paying for the first time, you are required to pay the entire amount for the year. However, when you renew, you can make your payments in installments of R28 per month.

Are licenses on way out?

South Africans do not like paying their TV licenses. As a result, the SABC has been struggling with revenue generation.

There have been recent reports that changes to the payment system are in the pipeline. One suggestion is that TV licenses be collected through Multichoice. After all, most people in the country have DSTV subscriptions. Should this be effected, it will mean when you pay your subscription, you will also be mandated to pay your SABC license.

Another suggestion is that the TV licenses be collected as a household levy. That would mean everyone will be forced to pay, whether they like or not. Such a model can be found in places such as Germany. It would mean greater revenue for the SABC

What’s my TV license number


In this article we showed you how to get a SABC license in South Africa. It was noted that everyone is mandated to pay a license for their TV under the Broadcasting Act. However, about 82% of TV owners remain in default. That has made life difficult for DSTV as far as revenue collection is concerned.

The poor performance in this regard makes it difficult for the national broadcaster to provide meaningful content. In terms of payment, you can make your payment at a nearest Post Office or at a retailer that tells TVs.

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