How to Cancel Subscriptions on Vodacom

How to Cancel Subscriptions on Vodacom

Do you wish to learn how to cancel subscriptions on Vodacom South Africa? Vodacom has a large presence on the mobile communications scene in the country. In fact, it’s the largest player. Like all the other networks, the Vodacom partners with various other companies who offer subscription services. Such services are important. They enhance the mobile communications experience. However, they can become problematic, particularly if you jumped into them without putting in enough though. So, how do you stop Vodacom subscription services?

How to stop Vodacom subscription services

To cancel subscription services on Vodacom, you need to take the following steps;

  1. Create a new SMS on your Vodacom phone and type; STOP ALL.
  2. Send the SMS to 31050.
  3. You will receive a message telling you that you have unsubscribed to all Vodacom subscription services.
  4. Subscriptions services on Vodacom can also be stopped through the Vodacom App. Go to Subscription services and view and block services to which you have subscribed.

Example of Subscription Services

That’s how to unsubscribe on Vodacom. Subscription services are provided by entities referred to as Wireless Application Service Providers (WASPs). There are many types of subscription services that could be responsible for eating up your Vodacom airtime. Below, we list some of them. Check them out to see if your subscribed to any of them at any given point in time;

  • Ringtones
  • Location services
  • Inspirational quotes
  • Wallpapers for you phone
  • Horoscopes
  • Jokes
  • Mobile downloads
  • Interactive voice prompts
  • News
  • Traffic updates

Why would you look to cancel all Vodacom subscription services?

There are a couple of reasons why people end up looking for information on how to cancel subscription services on Vodacom in South Africa. The most important reason has to do with “hidden charges.” Hidden in quotes because in reality, these charges are not hidden.

You are told that you are subscribing to a joke a week for such and such an amount of Rands. You think it’s all a joke. The problem is that most people never really listen to what they are being told. They see Jokes and they simply subscribe. The joke comes later when airtime starts disappearing from your phone. That’s when you start trying to stop Vodacom subscriptions.

Another reason for want to cancel subscriptions on Vodacom has to do with the fact that the subscriptions themselves can become annoying. If the person compiling he jokes has no real sense of humor, as an example, the jokes could end up getting rather stale. In any case, simply receiving different SMSs from different WASPs can become annoying after only a short while.

Should you subscribe to WASPs?

Today you probably feel like you made a mistake when you subscribed to one service or the other. So, does that mean you should never join Vodacom subscription services? Well, we are not going to tell you that here. WASP can be really useful.

As an example, people like to get news on the go. Subscribing to that can be really helpful in this regard. You can also get notifications relating to the whether, Sports and other events. All that is important.

However, what we advice is that you should only subscribe after careful consideration. Don’t go around later saying Vodacom has stolen your airtime. That will actually not be the case! Make sure you understand the implications beforehand. And should you change your mind, you can always cancel Vodacom subscriptions.

While here, check out our article on how to cancel MTN subscriptions. Also read our Vodacom Power hour article.

2 thoughts on “How to Cancel Subscriptions on Vodacom”

  1. Eliane de Saint-Martin

    Good day
    I would like to Unsubscribe to Zaplium, please.
    Thanking you for your help.
    Eliane de Saint-Martin

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