How to cancel subscriptions on Telkom

How to Cancel Subscriptions on Telkom Mobile South Africa

Do you wish to learn how to cancel subscriptions on Telkom Mobile in South Africa? Like every other network in the country, Telkom partners with what are referred to as Wireless Application Service Providers’ Association (WASPs) to bring customers various services. These services are meant to enhance the mobile communications experience. However, they can quickly become annoying and they can end up draining your airtime. So, what do you do? The answer lies in learning how to stop subscriptions on Telkom.

How to Stop all Subscriptions on Telkom Mobile

To cancel all subscriptions on Telkom Mobile in South Africa, you need to take the following steps;

  1. You can disable WASP subscription services on Telkom by dialing 180. Follow the prompts that pop up on your screen.
  2. You also have the option of using the Telkom Mobile App to disable subscriptions.
  3. Go to the Telkom App and log in. If you have not already downloaded the app, you need to download and install the app.
  4. In the app go to My Products.
  5. Next, go to Subscriptions .
  6. You now need to choose Content Services.
  7. Choose the option to disable subscription services.

Examples of Subscription Services

In South Africa, there is what’s referred to as Wireless Application Service Providers’ Association (WASPA). It’s meant to regulate the activities of WASPs in the country. All the major networks in the country are part of this association. Anyway, the following are examples of services that you can get from WASPs;

  • News updates
  • Weather updates
  • Jokes
  • Horoscope
  • Sports updates
  • Mobile downloads

I don’t remember subscribing to WASP services

This is what usually happens to people. The majority of those looking at how to cancel subscriptions on Telkom in South Africa do not actually remember subscribing to the services that are draining money on their phones in the first place.

That’s because WASP companies can sometimes be clever in how they market their products. They appear innocent enough at first. Who doesn’t want to get the news and so forth on their phone. We all want to get that.

However, most people do not actually put it in mind that they are actually subscribing for a service that needs to be paid for every week or every month or every day. That’s the major reason for ending up mysteriously losing your airtime.

Anyway, if you have any questions, feel free to ask them via our Forum. Let our community help you out with all the answers that you are looking for.

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