How to Cancel DSTV Debit Order

How to Cancel DSTV Debit Order

Do you wish to find out how to cancel your DSTV debit order? DSTV is the number one company for entertainment in South Africa. They have millions of customers, all of who are attracted by the wide range of viewing options that are on offer. The good news about DSTV is that they offer a many payment options. Debit orders are probably the most convenient of these options. However, you are here because, for one reason or the other, you now wish to learn how to stop your DSTV debit order.

How to stop a DSTV debit order

In order to cancel your debit order, you will need to reach out to DSTV. You can call them on 083 900 3788 or 011 289 2222. You can also contact them via Twitter and Facebook. Alternatively, you can send an email to asking them to cancel your debit order. It’s also possible to talk to DSTV via Live chat. Sign into your account on their website and click on the Live chat icon.

When making contact, you will be asked for your name, phone number and address. Also required will be your DSTV account number or your smartcard number. You will also be asked to verify that the bank account belongs to you.

Is the cancellation immediate?

That’s how to cancel a DSTV debit order. In order to do it, you will have to reach out to DSTV and they will process the cancellation on your behalf. But are cancellations immediate?

We have been researching online and we have come across people complaining that money was still deducted from their bank accounts despite the fact that they had cancelled their Multichoice debit orders. How could this happen?

According to DSTV, debit order cancellations are not processed immediately. It takes up to 5 days for banks to process cancellations. What it means is that you will have to give DSTV notification that you need to cancel your debit order at least 5 days before money is due to be deducted from your account.

Otherwise you are going to have issues. Should money still be deducted after cancellation, your only remedy will be to request a refund. DSTV will happily process one for you. However, this tends to be a rather time consuming process.

Why cancel your DSTV debit order?

So far in this article, we have shown you how to cancel your DSTV debit order. But why would you do this? What’s the reason for cancelling? Well, there could be several reasons.

Most people cancel due to a change in financial circumstances. Maybe you are no longer employed, in which case you will need to cancel to stop money from being deducted from your account.

Or maybe your payment dates have changed. In other instances, you may wish to cancel if you are now opting for another payment options. Maybe you now wish to pay via USSD or in a supermarket. These methods are less convenient but they give you a degree of control.

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