How to Cancel a Cell C Contract

How to Cancel a Cell C Contract

Do you wish to learn how to cancel a Cell C contract? Getting a contract is usually a good deal. It allows you to acquire a phone or laptop or some other device that you would probably not have been able to buy for cash. However, a lot of people enter into these deals without really seriously thinking about the cost. There are many reasons for wanting to cancel a Cell C contract. We will talk about some of them below. But what is the process of cancelling a contract with CellC?

Steps to cancel your contract with CellC

The following is how to cancel a Cell C contract;

  1. Call the Cell C contracts and upgrades number 084 145. If you are calling from a Cell C phone, you can just dial 145.
  2. You will then be able to talk to their Customer Care representative. Tell them that you wish to cancel your contract.
  3. You will be notified on how to proceed from there.
  4. You can also send an email to giving them the details about your contract and telling them that you wish to cancel.

What can you expect?

Cancelling your contract with Cell C is not easy. The same applies for most of the other networks that are out there. It seems they do everything in their power to frustrate people who wish to end their contracts. You only need to check online to find all the horror stories that are floating around out there.

You can find out more about what happens when your contract expires. When you cancel a Cell C contract that’s still running, you are not going to walk away scot free. You will have to pay the following;

  • Outstanding Connection Fees
  • Installation fees that may be outstanding.
  • Subscription Fees that are outstanding.
  • Usage charges which have been billed
  • Outstanding fees on equipment that you got as part of the contract.

Learn more about the Cell C contract cancellation fees.

Why learn how to cancel a Cell C contract?

There are many reasons why you could be looking to end your contract with Cell C;

  1. Maybe you are not satisfied with the deal that you got. In a few instances, you will be able to return everything, provided you have not damaged something.
  2. Some people cancel because their contracts have expired. If you don’t cancel, the contract will be renewed on a month to month basis.
  3. Maybe you have found an attractive deal elsewhere. That’s probably not a good enough reason but it happens.

It may take a while for your contract to be cancelled

This is something that we have already mentioned. It’s not easy to cancel a contract with Cell C. Indeed, it’s not easy to cancel a contract with any of the other networks.

There are thousands of complaints out there about people still being billed even after they have cancelled their contracts. So, that’s something to keep in mind when learning how to cancel a Cell C contract.

Getting a contract is good, but it may become the source of headaches at some point. Anyway, that’ how to cancel a contract with Cell C. If you have questions, you can post them on our Cell C forum. It’s also possible for you to leave a comment below.

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