How to Buy Cell C Nite Data

How to Buy Cell C Nite Data

Do you wish to learn how to buy Cell C Night data? Night data is popular across all networks in South Africa. A allows people to download large files and to carry out other activities that demand a lot of data at an affordable price. The only catch is that this data can only be used in the middle of the night. Cell C offers what is referred to as Nite Data. But how do you buy it?

Steps to buy Cell C night data

The following is how to buy Cell C Nite Data;

  1. Dial *147# on your phone and choose the option to buy data bundles. Choose the option to buy SmartData Daily Nite bundles.
  2. Cell C night time bundles can also be purchased as part of ordinary data bundles. Almost all bundles that are on offer at Cell C come with a Nite Data component. As an example, Cell C has a new bundle that offers 50GB Anytime data + FREE 50GB Nite. The data is valid for 6 months, and it costs R549.

When can I use this data?

That’s how to buy the Cell C Nite Data bundle. But when can Cell C customers use this data? The bad news, if you are not a night owl, is that Cell C Nite Data can only be used 1am and 7am.

Cell C’s night bundle starts late compared to other networks. As an example, the Telkom Night Surfer bundle starts at 12 midnight. So, that’s an hour earlier than Cell C.

In any case, you need to be used to staying up late to be able to use this bundle. Or you can set your downloads to run while you are asleep.

Why buy Cell C nite data?

But why would anyone opt for this bundle? There are a couple of reasons why you may choose a night time bundle instead of buying normal bundles.

Night time data tends to be way cheaper when compared to other bundles. The reason why networks are able to offer this is because their networks will be virtually empty at night.

Most people will be asleep. It means they will be making little money. As such, they are willing to offer discounts to get people surfing at night.

But who is night data for? We have already noted that it’s for those who have large downloads. That could be students looking to download studying material.

Or it could be people looking to update their computers. As an example, when you want to update your Windows computer for the first time, you will discover that you need at least 2GB for the updates to be completed.

The same applies if you wish to upgrade to another version of Windows, such as Windows 11. You need a lot of data to download the update files. Doing the update using normal data can be rather expensive. It’s the reason why so many people end up buying night data.


In this article, we showed you how to buy Cell C nite data. You can make your purchase using USSD on your phone. It was noted that Nite Data is popular because it is cheaper. It allows people who need to make large downloads to do so without having to fork out large amounts of money.

Here is how to activate Cell C Home Connecta Flexi

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