How to Buy all Network Minutes on Vodacom

How to Buy all Network Minutes on Vodacom

Are you looking for information on how to buy all network minutes on Vodacom. Vodacom offers what are termed all-net bundles, making the network one of the most attractive in the country. These bundles are not restricted to Vodacom to Vodacom calls. You can use them to make calls to people on other networks. We will look at the various available packages later in this post. But first, we need to look at how to buy Vodacom all-net minute bundles.

How to Buy Vodacom all Net Bundles

The following is how to buy Vodacom all network minutes;

  1. Dial the USSD code *135# on your Vodacom phone and follow the prompts to make your purchase.
  2. You can also buy all net minutes through the My Vodacom app on your phone or tablet.

What are the available Vodacom all network bundle options?

That’s how to buy all network minutes on Vodacom using USSD or using the Vodacom app. It’s worth noting, however, that these bundles are not one size fits all. You have the following options in terms of what you can buy;

Vodacom all network bundlesTypeMinutes to all networks
Chat For 60Voice60 minutes (valid all day)
Chat Now 60Voice60 minutes (from time of activation)
Chat Now 10Voice10 minutes (from time of activation)
Chat Combo 60+60Voice + Data60 minutes + 60MB (from time of activation)

As you can see in the above table, there are currently 4 options if you wish to buy all network minutes on Vodacom. That’s great because you will be able to choose the option that works best for you.

Chat for 60

In the first place, you get the Chat for 60. This gives you 60 minutes of voice calls to all networks. With this options, you don’t get data. So, you cannot make video calls on this bundle.

You can buy this bundle only once a day. The moment that you exhaust this bundle, you start using up your airtime the normal way. That’s dependent on your plan. Please note that this bundle expires on a daily basis.

So, if you don’t use your 60 minutes to call someone, you will have to buy a new bundle the next day. That’s the major drawback for this particular bundle. It’s something to consider when looking at how to buy all network minutes on Vodacom.

Chat Now 60

This is the second type of all net minutes bundle that you buy can on Vodacom. The Chat Now 60 bundle appears, at face value, to be very similar to the Chat for 60. That’s why there is usually some confusion regarding the 2.

However, with this bundle, you get unlimited calls to any network for 60 minutes from the time of activation of the bundle. So, if you activate this bundle at 0800hours in the morning, you can only use it till 0900hours in the morning.

That’s 60 minutes or 1 hour. It’s different from the Chat for 60 bundle, which gives you 60 minutes throughout the day. To be frank, the Chat for 60 bundle seems more flexible. You don’t have to rush to make your calls all in one hour. You can space your calls throughout the day.

But with the Chat Now 60 bundle, you can actually buy as many bundles as you wish per day. Let’s say you have bought one bundle and it has expired at the end of 60 minutes, you can buy another and so on.

With the Chat for 60 bundle, on the other hand, you can only buy one per day. So, you need to know the difference before proceeding with your purchase.

Chat Now 10

That’s another option for those looking at how to buy all network minutes on Vodacom. Once this bundle is activated, you have 10 minutes in which to make your calls. So, it’s similar to the Chat Now 60 in that regard, save for the fact that you get fewer minutes.

Chat Combo 60+60

Finally, you get the chat combo 60+60 bundle. So far, we showed you how to buy all network minutes on Vodacom, but the bundles that you were buying were voice only.

With the combo option, you also get data, meaning you can make WhatsApp calls and browse the internet with this bundle. You get 60 minutes voice and 60 minutes data.

How much does it cost to buy all network minutes on Vodacom?

Prices given here are only a guideline. They are bound to change at any moment. That’s why we didn’t include pricing in the above table.

At the moment, Chat for 60 bundle costs R12, which the Chat now 60 bundle costs R9.50. The Chat Now 10 minutes bundle costs R3.20, while the combo bundle costs R17.80.


In this post, we showed you how to buy all network minutes on Vodacom in South Africa. These minutes are great because they are not just Vodacom to Vodacom.

You can actually use them to make calls to people on other networks. You currently have a number options regarding which all-net minutes bundle to buy.

Do you have questions? Feel free to post them on the SA Broadband forum. You can also leave comments in the section below.

Also check out our post on how to reactivate your Vodacom SIM. That’s for those who may not have used their SIM cards for a long time.

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