How Much is DSTV Access in South Africa?

How Much is DSTV Access in South Africa?

How much is DSTV Access? A lot of our readers have been asking that question. Access is the second cheapest DSTV package. It’s immensely popular, particularly among those not willing to fork out large amounts of money for their entertainment. But how much does DSTV Access cost?

DSTV Access Price

DSTV Access price South Africa

The DSTV Access price currently stands at R115. For that, you get 66 channels. That’s 30 more than you get on the cheapest package, EasyView. It’s probably one of the reasons why Access is so popular. The channels that you get include M-Net Movies 4, Telemundo and CBS Reality.

You also get eMovies and eMovies Extra. In terms of Sports you get SS Variety 4 and TellyTrack. That probably wont allow you to view much if you are a Sports lover but it’s an improvement on the cheaper package. Your children (and adult children like me) get Cartoon Network.

Who is this package for?

That’s the answer to the question “how much is DSTV Access?”. But who is this package for? Well, the package is for those who are looking for something a little more than what they would get on the entry level bouquet.

Access does not offer much in terms of Sports, so if you are a Sport lover, you will have to go up the ladder. DSTV Access is definitely an entry level offering, but it’s an entry level offering that has a little more wind in it’s sail.

In terms of price, Access is affordable. That was your main worry. That’s why you are here asking how much is DSTV Access.


In this post we showed you the DSTV Access price. We noted that this is the second most affordable bouquet from DSTV. In terms of viewing, you get all the free channels as well as a few movie sites. You also get a couple of Sports channels.

You may also be interested in our post in which we answer the question; “how much is DSTV EasyView?“Otherwise leave a comment below or on our DSTV Discussions Forum.

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