DLink Router Default Password and Username South Africa

DLink Router Default Password and Username

Are you looking for the Dlink router default password and username? DLink routers are quite popular in South Africa. As an example, some Telkom customers have the D-Link dsl g2562dg. Anyway, if you have a router from this manufacturer, you may be looking for the default login details. You need these details if you wish to get into the admin section of your router.

Dlink Router Default Login Details

The default username on most Dlink routers is admin, while the default password is usually blank (no password). On some D-link routers both the username and password are blank. In some cases, you will find that admin is both the username and password for your DLink router. In the table below, we give an updated list of Dlink routers, along with their default login details. We tried to focus as much as possible on models that are currently available in South Africa.

D-Link ModelDefault UsernameDefault Password
AX1500blankon router label
COVR-3902 blank blank
COVR-C1203 blank blank
DAP-1350admin blank
DGL-4100 blank blank
DGL-4300 blank blank
DGL-4500admin blank
DGL-5500admin blank
DHP-1320admin blank
DHP-1565admin blank
DI-514admin blank
DI-524admin blank
DI-604admin blank
DI-614admin blank
DI-624admin blank
DI-624Madmin blank
DI-634Madmin/user blank
DI-701 blank blank
DI-704 blank admin
DI-704P blank admin
DI-704UPadmin blank
DI-707 blank admin
DI-707Padmin blank
DI-711admin blank
DI-713 blank admin
DI-713P blank admin
DI-714admin blank
DI-714P+admin blank
DI-724GUadmin blank
DI-724Uadmin blank
DI-754admin blank
DI-764admin blank
DI-774admin blank
DI-784admin blank
DI-804admin blank
DI-804HVadmin blank
DI-804Vadmin blank
DI-808HVadmin blank
DI-824VUPadmin blank
DI-LB604admin blank
DIR-X1560 blank blank
DIR-X1870 blank blank
DIR-130admin blank
DIR-330admin blank
DIR-412admin blank
DIR-450admin blank
DIR-451admin blank
DIR-501admin blank
DIR-505admin blank
DIR-505Ladmin blank
DIR-506Ladmin blank
DIR-510L blank blank
DIR-515admin blank
DIR-600admin blank
DIR-600Ladmin blank
DIR-601admin blank
DIR-605admin blank
DIR-605Ladmin blank
DIR-615admin blank
DIR-625admin blank
DIR-626Ladmin blank
DIR-628admin blank
DIR-635admin blank
DIR-636Ladmin blank
DIR-645admin blank
DIR-651admin blank
DIR-655admin blank
DIR-657admin blank
DIR-660admin blank
DIR-665admin blank
DIR-685admin blank
DIR-808Ladmin blank
DIR-810Ladmin blank
DIR-813admin blank
DIR-815admin blank
DIR-817LWadmin blank
DIR-817LW/Dadmin blank
DIR-818LWadmin blank
DIR-820Ladmin blank
DIR-822admin blank
DIR-825admin blank
DIR-826Ladmin blank
DIR-827admin blank
DIR-830Ladmin blank
DIR-835admin blank
DIR-836Ladmin blank
DIR-842admin blank
DIR-850Ladmin blank
DIR-855admin blank
DIR-855Ladmin blank
DIR-857admin blank
DIR-859admin blank
DIR-860Ladmin blank
DIR-865Ladmin blank
DIR-866Ladmin blank
DIR-867admin blank
DIR-868Ladmin blank
DIR-869 blank blank
DIR-878admin blank
DIR-879admin blank
DIR-880Ladmin blank
DIR-882admin blank
DIR-885L/Radmin blank
DIR-890L/Radmin blank
DIR-895L/Radmin blank
DIR-1260 blank blank
DIR-1360 blank blank
DIR-1750 blank blank
DIR-1760 blank blank
DIR-1950 blank blank
DIR-1960 blank blank
DIR-2640 blank blank
DIR-2660 blank blank
DIR-2680 blank blank
DIR-3040 blank blank
DIR-3060 blank blank
DIR-L1900 blank blank
DIR-LX1870 blank blank
DIR-X1560 blank blank
DIR-X1870 blank blank
DIR-X4860 blank blank
DIR-X5460 blank blank
TM-G5240 blank admin

I cant find my router on the list

DLink has hundreds of router models out on the market. It would be difficult to cover them all. Newer models are also always being released. Anyway, if you find that your router is not on our list, don’t worry.

As you may already have noticed, there is a pattern to the DLink router default password and username list. In most instances, the password is blank while the password is admin.

So, you should try this first. Should it fail, you can also try out all the other combinations given above. You shouldn’t have too much difficult finding the one that works for you.

My router is on the list, but I still cant log in

In some case, you will find that though your router and it’s login details may be on our list, you will still have difficult logging in. This usually happens where someone has already changed your Dlink router default password from the default.

It’s advisable to do that. You can see that, as already mentioned, there is a pattern to the login details on most routers. If you know how to get into one, you wont’ have an issue getting into others.

As an example, on TP Link routers, the defaults are usually admin. The same applies for Huawei routers. Hackers know this and they try to use these details to get into your router.

However, after changing their Dlink router default password, some people then go on to forget their new login details. Should that happen to you, you won’t be able to log in. So, what can you do? You have 2 options here;

Reset your router

First, you can reset your router. That’s easy enough to do. All that you need to do is to find the reset button on the back of the device. Press on it for over 10 seconds or till your router has been turned off and on, as seen by the flashing lights. Once that’s done, you can now log in with the defaults as given above.

Find the correct information on the router sticker

It could also happen that the information given above is not correct, for you particular model. There can be differences in the default DLink router passwords even for routers of the same model. Maybe you have a network specific username.

In that case, you can find the correct details on the router label. All routers come with one. If you look under the device, you will see a sticker with information for login in. You will see the default Dlink router password. You will also see the default username as well as the login IP.

Why look for the Dlink router default password

There are several reasons for looking for the Dlink router default password and username. Maybe you wish to change the password on your WiFi network. Or maybe you wish to change the name of your network.

There are plenty of other changes that can only be done through the admin section of your router. So, you need to log in to carry them out.

Hopefully, you will be able to do so using the information provided here. If you have comments, leave them in the comments section. If you have questions, post them to our forum. Our expects will answer them.

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