Can I Use Home Connecta Flexi on My Phone?

Can I Use Home Connecta Flexi on My Phone?

Can I use a Home Connecta Flexi SIM card on my Phone? That’s something that a lot of Cell C customers have been asking. The question arises because the Home Connecta Flexi plan was designed to be used in a fixed capacity. It’s a fixed LTE offering, meaning you need to have a router into which you can put your SIM. But a lot of people have been looking to use this bundle in a mobile capacity. Can this be done?

Does a Home Connecta SIM work in a phone?

Yes, you can use your Cell C Home Connecta SIM in your phone. However, that is not the primary purpose of this bundle. Home Connecta Flexi is meant to be used in a fixed capacity. If you use it in a mobile role in a phone, you will likely hit a number of spots where there is no coverage. That’s the reason why Cell C asks you to check coverage in your area before signing up for Home Connecta Flexi.

You SIM won’t work if you go outside a coverage area

This is something that we have already mentioned. The Home Connecta SIM will work in any area where there is Cell C LTE coverage. If you go outside this area, your SIM will not work.

One thing to note is that Cell C has roaming agreements with both Vodacom and MTN. It means when Cell C customers are in an areas where Cell C does not have towers, they will get connectivity using either Vodacom or MTN towers.

However, that is not how the Home Connect Flexi offering works. It will not roam on any other network. You will only have coverage in areas where Cell C has LTE towers.

Device specifications for Cell C Home Connecta SIM cards

We have noted that Cell C Home Connecta SIM cards will work in mobile phones. But are there specifications relating to the devices in which they can be used? Can you use the SIM card in any phone that has LTE?

Cell C Home Connecta Flexi SIM cards will work in any device that supports LTE/LTE-A. Most of the devices that are being sold on the market today come with support for the requisite protocols. So, most people shouldn’t have issues using Home Connecta Flexi SIM cards in their phones.

Learn how to increase your Cell C internet speed

Why use a Home Connecta Flexi SIM card on a phone?

Now that we have highlighted that it’s possible to use a Cell C Home Connecta Flexi SIM card on a mobile phone, it’s time to look at the motivation. Why are people looking to do this?

There could be various reasons for taking this route. Home Connecta Flexi bundles are affordable, and you may be looking to capitalize. If the places that you frequent have Cell C LTE coverage, you should be able to do this.

A lot of people are also looking to use this SIM card in MiFi devices. These have been getting more popular over the fast few years. You can take one on the road and it will give you hours of internet connectivity without having to worry about recharging the battery.

There are also people who seek to use Home Connector Flexi SIM cards in mobile devices because they are worried that they are not going to be able to exhaust the data that they bought. If you bought 8GB of data, as an example, yet you later find that you hardly use that data while at home, you may with to take it around with you.

Find out how to remove the PIN from a Cell C SIM card

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