Can I Use an MTN Router on Another Network?

Can I Use an MTN Router on Another Network?

Is it possible to use an MTN provided router on another network? It’s a question that we recently got from one of our readers. And we realize that many people in South Africa could be looking for an answer to this question. What usually happens is that people wish to migrate, maybe from MTN internet to Rain, Vodacom, Cell C or Telkom. The question then becomes, can they use their MTN routers on those networks?

Using MTN router on Vodacom, Telkom, Cell or Rain

Unfortunately, it’s currently not possible to use an provided MTN router on another network in South Africa. That’s the response that we got when we reached out to MTN South Africa. Routers are effectively locked to MTN, meaning they can only be used on this network.

Why is that the case?

Why is it not possible to use an MTN router on another network? It would seem, from the onset, that allowing this could be an effective way of providing convenience to people.

Imagine only having to pay for one router. From there, you would then be able to use it on whatever the network to which you decide to move at that point in time.

That would be convenient. It would mean not having to buy routers all over the place. But why is that not possible? The question that we got was for an MTN provided ZTE 998FE4.

Well, for one thing, networks operate on different frequencies. Most routers cover a wide range of frequencies, but you could end up having problems.

Networks also lock their routers. That’s the case for a network provided device. However, if you have your own router that you bought and that you brought to the network, then by any means you can use it on any other network. That’s provided its on the same frequency as the target network.


In this article, we explored the possibility of using an MTN router on another network. We noted that if you have an MTN provided router, it’s not possible to use that on Rain, Vodacom, Cell C or on any other network. That’s because the device comes locked to MTN.

Do you have questions? You can ask them on our forum. If you have comments and suggestions, post them in the comments section of this website. Check out our articles on MTN APN settings for ZTE routers.

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