Can I Browse the Internet on my Smart TV

Can I Browse the Internet on my Smart TV

Can I browse the internet on my smart TV? It’s a question that every owner of a smart TV will probably asked themselves at one point or the other. Today, the majority of South Africans are buying smart TVs. They offer a lot more in terms of entertainment when compared to conventional televisions. We have previously highlighted how to connect a Samsung smart TV to the internet. But can you browse the internet once you have done this?

What is a smart TV?

Before we answer the above questions, it’s important for us to first define a smart TV. Basically, it’s a TV that can be connected to the internet, allowing you to stream music and videos. But do these functions extend to surfing the internet?

Can you surf the internet using a smart TV?

Yes, you can browse the internet on your smart TV. How you do so depends on the type of TV that you have. All Samsung smart TVs come with a browser that you can use to browse the internet. This allows you to go to any website right on your TV.

You should buy a keyboard and mouse

You can browse the internet on your Smart TV using the TV’s mouse, but that’s rather difficult. What you need to do is to get a [ad]keyboard and mouse combo. Get the wireless version and plug the wireless connector into your TV.

Once you have done that, you will be able to easily use your TV as you would your computer. Well, perhaps not in the same way because your TV is not going to have as a much storage. What you can do however, is to read the news, watch videos, open your mail and much more from your TV.


In this article, we answered the question can you browse the internet on your Smart TV. We noted that yes, that is something that you can easily do.

As long as your TV is connected to the internet, you should be able to use the built in browser to surf through the web.

It’s useful, however, to get a wireless keyboard and mouse combo to make surfing through the web easier. Otherwise you would have to use the remote, which is not ideal for typing and moving the cursor.

Learn how to connect an LG TV to WiFi

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