How to Check Data Balance on a DLink WiFi Router

How to Check Data Balance on a DLink WiFi Router

Do you wish to learn how to check the data balance on a DLink WiFi router? D-Link routers are very popular among South Africans. They work on most networks, including on MTN, Vodacom and Telkom. You are here because you have such a router and you are wondering how you can view your data balance. Unfortunately, how to find this crucial information is not always intuitive. So, how do you check your data balance on an MTN, Vodacom, Telkom or Cell C DLink WIFI router?

Steps to view your data balance on a DLink router

The following is how to check your data balance on a ZTE WiFi router;

  1. If your network supports the function, you can check your data and other balances via SMS. In South Africa, Cell C is one of the networks that support this function. If you are on MTN, simply log into your Dlink router and go to Messages. Write the message Data and send the test to 131. On Vodacom, you can also get daily notifications in your email. To activate the feature, SMS DNES ON your email address to 123.
  2. Most networks have apps that can be used for checking balances. Download it on your phone and link it to the SIM in your router. Once that is done, you should then be able to check your balance on the phone.
  3. Another option is to remove the SIM from the router to check the balance. Insert the SIM into a phone and you will be able to view your balances the normal way. How you do it depends on your network.
  4. Some D-Link routers support USSD. If yours falls into this category, it will be easy to check your data balance as you would the normal way on your phone. Log into the device and sent the appropriate USSD. You will get a response as a text message.

What is the DLink router default IP?


In this article, we showed you how to check your data balance on a Dlink router. It was noted that Dlink is a popular brand in South Africa. It’s used on different networks, including on MTN, Cell C and Vodacom. If you have such a router in your home or office, one thing that you may wish to do is to constantly check your data balance. There are a number of ways of doing so.

Afrihost router login details

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